The barbell deadlift is a staple of muscle and strength development. This exercise will hit your posterior chain like no other movement, which is why you will find it in every single workout plan. However, at home, it might be difficult to perform these deadlifts, as you probably don't have enough weights, and you might damage the floor even if you have a barbell. Fortunately, there are some great barbell deadlift alternatives you can do just with a pair of dumbbells, which we will discuss here.
Doing Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is a great way to develop your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. You won't get a full-body workout only with these dumbbells move, but it is a deadlift with lighter weights, much better for beginners. This exercise is much easier to perform than the classic barbell:
● Hold a pair of dumbbells while standing up straight. They should be in front of your body, against your thighs.
● Start the movement by breaking at the hips, pushing them back as far as you can.
● Imagine that you are trying to touch a wall behind you with your glutes without lowering your hips.
● The dumbbells should slide down your thighs as you perform the movement.
● Slowly continue lowering them and pushing your hips back until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
● Squeeze your glutes, and reverse the movement to the starting position.
● Stand straight up, holding a pair of dumbbells in front of your body, over your thigs.
● Initiate the movement by lowering the weights straight down towards your toes, flexing at your hips, while simultaneously raising the non-standing leg behind you.
● Keep your knees and back straight. The idea is to hinge at the hips.
● Maintain full control, and go as far back with your free leg as you can, and then reverse the movement to the start.
● To perform a sumo deadlift, you need to take a wide stance, with your feet twice the shoulder-width apart, toes facing slightly outwards.
● You should hold one heavy dumbbell with both hands, letting it hang between your legs.
● Start flexing your knees while simultaneously pushing your hips back, lowering the dumbbell towards the floor in a straight line.
● Once the dumbbell touches the floor, reverse the movement.
This exercise will hit your quads more than the other two dumbbell deadlift variations, which will develop nice looking legs.
As you can see, you can do deadlifts even if you don't have a lot of gym equipment at home. But, if you ever decide to upgrade your fitness gear, don't hesitate to visit our store, as we offer the best fitness equipment for sale in Ireland. Stay strong!